Bible Codes
by Asalli Zaki  Italy                                                                                                    last uptade 26/04/1999


              Eliyahu Rips and Dr. Haralick from the US are co-chairs for The First
        Congress of The International Torah Code Society conference in Jerusalem, to be held
        in Jerusalem on May 10-11, 1999. Their circular is calling for formal paper proposals.
        After the Congress, they will publish a book with all the papers presented, titled, Torah
        Codes. The conference secretary is Dr. Moshe Katz of Compu-Torah. Accommodations
        at the Jerusalem Hilton.

          NEW 4/27/99 On Friday evening May 7, 1999, a new one-hour TV program on the Bible codes will
          premiere on the PAX Network at 9-10pm ET/PT and 8-9pm CT/MT. You can check for a broadcast or
          cable channel in your area on PAX at The title of the show is BIBLE CODE: THE
          FUTURE BEYOND. It has all-new breakthrough material and matrixes on hurricanes, baseball, Yeshua as
          the true Messiah, and use of the code scientific discoveries. There are also two matrixes on future events.
          The official press release is online.

Last uptade 1/05/1999
What  the Experts Say About the Bible Code Equidistant Letter Sequences
The Existence of the Code
Bible Codes Matrixe
Newly Discovered Codes
Bible Codes News


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